萨茹佳教授(Saroja Dorairaju),永利集团特聘教授 (2022-2024),社会文化人类学者。新加坡国立大学学士、康奈尔大学硕士、哈佛大学人类学博士。长期在泰国、马来西亚、新加坡、中国大陆及中国香港地区从事田野考察。研究兴趣包括泰国的性别及种族暴力,泰国、马来西亚和中国的食物与宗教,新加坡的食品士绅化(贵族化);近年关注香港的食物和宗教研究。目前研究重点为新加坡的糖尿病和医疗公民身份。
萨茹佳教授于2022年荣获云南省“兴滇英才支持计划”高端外国专家专项资助,与马来西亚、新加坡和印度尼西亚的学者合作,研究东南亚与中国的传统中医药旅游。萨茹佳教授在Current Sociology(《当代社会学》)等多家期刊发表了多篇文章,编辑出版了关于食物、性别和暴力的研究成果。目前正在撰写撰写多篇期刊论文,并在编写一本有关东南亚中医药的著作。。
Saroja Dorairajoo trained as a sociocultural anthropologist with degrees from the National University of Singapore, Cornell University and a PhD from Harvard University. She has conducted fieldwork in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, China, and Hong Kong. Her research interests have focused on gender and ethnic violence in Thailand, food and Islam in Thailand, Malaysia and China, food gentrification in Singapore, and more recently on food and Christianity in Hong Kong. Her current research focuses on diabetes and medical citizenship in Singapore. Saroja was recently awarded the Yunnan Provincial Research Grant for High Talents and she is collaborating with colleagues from Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia to research on traditional Chinese medicine tourism between Southeast Asia and China. She has published in several journals including Current Sociology and also in edited volumes on her research on food, gender, and violence. She is currently working on several publications including the volume on traditional Chinese medicine.
邮箱: socsdd@yahoo.com